I am truly honored to serve as the founding Chief Executive Officer of the Catholic Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts. We are excited about the future and the opportunity to support and collaborate with the Catholic ministries in the Diocese of Fall River for years to come.
The Foundation is here to help and support you with your charitable giving. We are blessed to work with so many passionate and devoted members of our community, who want to express their Catholic identity by providing their support to those ministries and organizations that are near and dear to their hearts.
Our mission is to invite great generosity, safeguard all gifts entrusted to our care and enable our parishes, schools and ministries to advance the mission of our Church, throughout the Diocese of Fall River.
We hope that you will consider creating your legacy by expressing your Catholic faith and making an outright gift or a planned gift to the Foundation, designating it to one or more of the ministries of the Diocese of Fall River. Support to your parish, the Catholic Appeal, our schools and other agencies is meaningful and inspires others to be generous.
You have the ability to make a difference today, tomorrow and for many generations to come.
Warmest regards,

Miriam “Mim” Finn Sherman