Members of the Founders Society will join the Founding Directors and other families who have been blessed with extraordinary financial means and have the willingness to faithfully share those blessings in a profoundly generous and loving manner.
Led first by the Holy Spirit, it is our prayer that many will accept the responsibility to also help provide the seed money to fund the launch and operations of this newly formed Catholic Foundation.
Inviting your participation
A one-time gift or multi-year pledge will help us respond fully to God’s call and ensure the resources needed to expand and strengthen our Church’s mission and ministry across the entire diocese, through the vital work of this newly formed Catholic Foundation.
We invite your prayerful “yes” to join the FOUNDERS SOCIETY by pledging a gift of $500,000 to $1,000,000+.
God is faithful. God keeps his promises. HOPE in Christ does not disappoint. We are men and women of HOPE, urged on by the love of Jesus. We are compelled to act now and respond to Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations.
We begin here at home, breathing new life into our parishes, schools and many ministries. We invite you to take part in the ground breaking work of the Catholic Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts and pray that you will recognize this as God’s call and respond affirmatively.