When you make gifts or pledges totaling $1,000 or more to the annual Catholic Appeal and/or the Serving the Shepherds Fund within an Appeal year, you are recognized as a member of The Cornerstone Society. Through their loving support, society members provide the Diocese of Fall River with much-needed funds to advance our mission of carrying out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy for all those in need.
Members of The Cornerstone Society take a leadership role in upholding all of our important ministries, programs, and apostolates while embodying the great virtues the New Testament calls for in all Christians: faith, hope, and love. They receive a variety of offerings to welcome them into a circle of supporters for whom we are incredibly grateful:

$10,000+ Tower of Joy
Members receive invitations to a special Mass and dinner with Bishop da Cunha as well as to the annual Chrism Mass; a special message from Bishop da Cunha with a thank-you gift; an acknowledgement letter recognizing membership in the society; and Christmas greetings from Bishop da Cunha.

$5,000-$9,999 Parapet of Love
Members receive an invitation to the annual Chrism Mass; a special message from Bishop da Cunha with a thank-you gift; an acknowledgement letter recognizing membership in the society; and Christmas greetings from Bishop da Cunha.

$2,500-$4,999 Beam of Hope
Members receive a special message from Bishop da Cunha with a thank-you gift; an acknowledgement letter recognizing membership in the society; and Christmas greetings from Bishop da Cunha.

$1,000-$2,499 Pillar of Faith
Members receive a special message from Bishop da Cunha with a thank-you gift and an acknowledgement letter recognizing membership in the society.

To learn more about The Cornerstone Society, please email:
or call 508-617-5305.
Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation.”
(~Isaiah 28:16.